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Greetings from the Year 4 Staff

Miss Jordaan - 03 Apr 2020

Hello to all the Year 4 Children and Parents. 

Thank you for all the hard work you've done over the last couple of weeks. Children, I hope you are listening carefully to your parents when they are teaching you. Parents, thank you for standing in, teaching and taking care of our children, as always, you are doing a great job!

It is amazing to see how you are all applying your knowledge and skills in your homework. 
I've seen some amazing Anglo-Saxon projects and I was also particularly impressed with the children who showed me how they've worked out the answers to the Maths problems. I'm doing my happy-maths-dance now... The use of fronted adverbials and descriptive language was something else that jumped out when I read the diary entries and the letters to your Agony Aunts. Keep up the good work!

You are all amazing and I can't wait to see you all again soon. Have a lovely holiday and make the most of everyday with your families. There will be no homework for the holiday but you can make up/create your own diary during this time. You can even add some pictures with captions, speech etc. Make it your own and have fun. 

'Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do.'

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.'

Miss Jordaan

Hi Everyone!

I hope you're still well and keeping safe. I have really enjoyed getting to see what you have been up to the past couple of weeks and the amazing efforts your have made to continue with your studies. I miss you all heaps and can't wait to get back into class with you all.

This Easter Break take time to relax and enjoy the special times you get to share with your families. Now is a fantastic time to make life long memories.

Remember to continue being safe and healthy.

'I've got nothing to do today but smile.'

Mr Dawes

Hello to all of the students in Year 4!

I miss you all very much and hope that you're all doing well at home. I can't wait for when we are all back together learning again!

Love from Miss Matthews

Hello Year 4.

I hope you're all keeping busy and keeping safe. 

These are interesting times we're living in but everything will soon be back to normal and you'll back at Handsworth with your friends.

Best wishes. 

Mr Oakley 

Hello Year 4

I do hope you are all keeping safe, healthy and happy. Whilst staying at home I'm sure you have found new ways to learn, play and exercise. I am missing you all so much and can not wait for life to return to normal. 

I have been doing lots of reading, which I love, and each morning I do the senior ten minute Joe Wicks work-out which keeps me fit. 

'Keep smiling, stay happy!'

Love Mrs Wood.

You could say this advice is priceless:

'If you trust in yourself..
and believe in your dreams...
and follow your star...'ll still get beaten by the people who spent their time...

weren't so LAZY.'

Terry Pratchett

From Mrs Bromley

Hi Everyone

Hope you and your families are all well and trying to make the most of these strange times - one day your children and grandchildren will ask you about them for their History projects.

If things are difficult, always remember: 

'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade - and don't forget to plant the pips!'

With all good wishes

Mrs Chatterton

Hi Year 4

It is very strange not seeing you every day. I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I hope you are all doing your homework and also being really good and helping out around the house. 

Anaya, Lily and Ava, I had to do the colouring competition without you, that was very sad. Mohammed helped me one day. Looking forward to when we can start that again. 
Jaiden, I hope you are well and looking after Jemima.

I miss you all Year 4 and can't wait to see you all again. Take care all of you!

From Mrs Gobey

A very BIG HELLO to everyone in  Year 4

I am missing you loads! Every day just seems to roll into another day... I've actually stopped calling them Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc... They are just days, "What do we do today?"  Enough about me...

How are you all? How are things? How is home schooling going? 

I've been looking on the school's website and you are all working very hard, which I am super happy about. A big thank you and massive well done to all the parents, you are doing an amazing job.

We all just have to hang in there. Missing you all, keep working hard. Remember to take breaks, have down time and get fresh air outside. I have done some Pilates which I'm enjoying.

We'll be all back in 4MJ very soon...

Lots of love
Mrs Mc Dermott


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