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Year 4 Autumn term Newsletter

09 Sep 2014

Autumn Newsletter 2014

Year 4 Autumn Newsletter 1st Half Term

                 The Victorians  & The British Empire


Welcome to all children, parents and carers! We hope you had a really great holiday. We are really looking forward to teaching the children this year  and are really excited about the year ahead!
Our topic this term is ‘Victorians & The British Empire’ so we will be linking our Literacy, History, Geography, Art, R.E.,Philosophy for children and Music, with this theme.
Next half term we will be visiting The Ragged School Museum in Mile End and having a real Victorian lesson from a Victorian teacher! (More details will follow later this half term)
In Numeracy, we will look at place value of numbers to at least 1000, mental addition and subtraction, mental multiplication and division, ratio/proportion and fractions, measurement, decimals and percentages and their equivalent fractions. In Literacy we will be looking at Imaginary settings, using the book ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis. We will be using the text to explore various themes as topics for debate to improve their skills of persuasion. We will also be using the text to create our own stories with imaginary settings. Following this unit of work we will be  reading and writing Poetry on an Autumn theme. In Science we will be learning about the human digestive system and teeth. In Art we will be looking at work by Miro,using skills of observation to create a case study on his life and work using his designs to inspire our own, mainly focusing on sketching. In Music we will be focusing on melody and scales  using the context of Victorian music hall and learning some Victorian songs. In R.E. we will be exploring the meaning of philanthropy and doing some research on some famous Victorian philanthropists e.g. Doctor Barnado. In ICT we will be using the programme’Scratch’ to explore programming , creating our own animation.
This year, all the children in year 4 will learn to play chess, which will take place every week. We will also have Multi-skills training and Street dance on a Wednesday, where a specialist teacher comes to the school to work with the children. Please ensure your child has a suitable PE kit as these lessons may take place outside.
From Tuesday 16th September, both year 4 classes will go to Larkswood swimming pool for lessons in the afternoon. All children will need a swimming hat (goggles optional) and for the boys, suitable swimming trunks (not too long as they will not be allowed to swim - rules of the pool!)
Maths homework will be sent home on Fridays to be returned for the following Thursday. There will be a homework club in Mrs Leftwich’s class at lunchtime on Wednesdays if there are any problems.
Spellings will be sent home on Friday for a test the following Thursday.
Reading books will be changed throughout the week and each group will be given their specific day in Mrs Leftwich’s class and in Miss Lloyd’s class, books will be changed on a day to be confirmed. Please make sure that you sign the home-school diary to say that you have read, shared and discussed the book with your child to ensure that they can be changed.
The correct school uniform should be worn at all times. If you are unsure of the suitability, please ask a member of staff or check the school website.
You are welcome to speak to us after school. If you feel that you need longer, please ring the office in advance to arrange an appointment.
Best wishes to you all for a brilliant start to Year 4, Mrs Leftwich  & Miss Lloyd


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