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Waltham Forest School games - Girls football silver medalists

23 Nov 2018

The Girls Football Team won the silver medal in today's Waltham Forest Competition, where 23 schools took part.  All the players performed amazingly and it was lovely to see their improvement throughout the day.  They were a fantastic team, playing a wonderful passing style and encouraging each other at all times.  The defence were like a brick wall, conceding 0 goals until the final.  They came up against a very good Whitehall team in the final and we wish them well in the London School Games.

A special thank you to Mrs McDermott and Mrs Brown who have been coaching the children.






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23 Nov 2018 17:15
A fantastic result! Well done Handsworth y6 girls! Liz (Lola’s mum)
23 Nov 2018 19:08
Brilliant result, well done girls you all played amazingly!

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