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Update: Maths & class catch-ups

19 May 2020

Dear Year 6

This is a reminder that today was the last live lesson for this week.

We will be posting lessons on the website as usual, but as we are scheduled to be in school, we will not be able to hold live sessions. Please watch the videos with the posted lessons - these will help you!

On Friday, Mrs Glanvill's daughter is doing a sponsored bike ride around ten London landmarks to raise money for the NHS, so Mrs Glanvill will be carrying supplies around London for her. This means that she will not be available in the afternoon.

As we did not want to miss out on our class catch-ups, we have moved these to Friday morning this week:

  • 6JG will have their class catch-up at 10.30am on Friday 22nd May.
  • 6SM will have their class catch-up at 11am on Friday 22nd May.

The meeting ID and password for class catch-ups remains the same.

Please also remember that next week (25th-29th May) is half term.

We can't quite believe that this half term is over!

Once again, you have all been incredible online learners. The independence, organisation and commitment you have shown makes us feel immensely proud of you all.

Stay safe and enjoy a break from school next week.

Best wishes,

Mrs Glanvill, Mr Mussell, Mrs McDermott and Mrs Gobey

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